kkTrg-zlpmDYP_bho1NKLnEUrXg A Student CRNA Blog: Help from the the Seniors

Friday, February 25, 2011

Help from the the Seniors

Like always, started anything new also brings up many questions and concerns which adds to the nervousness. I was very happy to notice that we are paired with a senior SRNA. I asked the person who was assigned to help me out about what to expect in the first semester and received a great deal (2 pages!) of valuable information. It may not have been stuff that made be calmer (more nervous actually) but I liked the straightforwardness. Follows a quick briefing of what was recommended.
1) You will be slammed with info but give yourself some "freak out" time.
2) Buy a jump drive to help stay organize...will be using stuff taught in first year for tests in clinical year as well.
3) Highly Recommended* Record lectures in Anatomy
4) Pricey but recommended book: "Color atlas of Anatomy by Rohen" (to your right)
5) 1st exam --- make flashcards. Dont get behind in this. Or if you dont make flashcards, do something to where you know those muscles down cold.

This is just a bit of info that I got...I worked last night and again tonight so will post another bit in am.
Please share if you received any other info.


Anonymous said...

I would like to know whether its possible to work (perdium)like 1-2 days a month with studies ?Pls answer,Carol.

Jag said...

Hi Carol,
It depends. Every school is a bit different but I have seen at least two of my classmates did it for a little while. There is hardly any slack time so if you can manage. For me, nights made it harder. You have to sleep some before and really can't do much the day after. One of my classmate is working every 3 months for a week when we get a break.
Hope that helped!
