kkTrg-zlpmDYP_bho1NKLnEUrXg A Student CRNA Blog: Any questions?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Any questions?

Hi everyone. Just wanted to ask if anyone has any questions for me to ask the CRNA that be shadowing two days from now. let me know if you do.


Leiah RN said...

Hi, i just came across your blog,and i find it helpful.
I'm scheduled to shadow a CRNA next week. Any tips/suggestions? Any questions yoy recommend i ask?

Leiah RN said...

Hi, i just came across your blog and I find it helpful. Thanks for sharing!
I'm scheduled to shadow a CRNA next week. Any tips/suggestions? Are there any questions you recommend i ask?
How much student loan did you incur during the program (you don't have to answer if you find the question too personal)?
What was the hardest subject during the didactic portion for you (or for the majority of the students)? Chemistry? Anatomy?
I'm an above average student, but I'm not a rocket scientist either. I saw some material like the VSPAR theory and some talk about surfactants and it looked intimidating.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Jag said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. My suggestion for your shadowing day would be to get a first hand experience on how a CRNA s day is. I think it isn't important to go into how the school is going to be because they are all different but what they feel are the pros and cons of being a CRNA. To answer your other questions, I only took what I needed for tuition during school and that totalled to about 150,000. Most likely because mine was a private school. As far as the hardest subject for me, it was definitely biochemistry. I went to the professors almost everyday of the week for extra help and passed with an A-
