kkTrg-zlpmDYP_bho1NKLnEUrXg A Student CRNA Blog: My Upcoming Goals...if

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Upcoming Goals...if

Hi everyone, I am here after my Principles of Anesthesia Exam and want to start off with saying that I don't know if I be able to survive this quarter. It was the toughest exam yet! And unfortunately, I only get 2 exams a quarter... but then, thinking positively, if I do make it, I be heading to Texas for clinicals in the near future!! So, excited! My school sends people to a variety of different states so I don't know comparatively, how mine is going to be. I have heard good things, so as long as I get good experience, I am happy!

I wanted to share what I plan on doing before I head to clinicals. I am trying to set up either an iphone/android app with all necessary meds, doses, cart-set up, and other clinical tips, or add other pages to my blog for everyone to see. I am going to do this myself but if anyone is knowledgeable about such things let me know.

I am also sharing questions now for everyone to answer on facebook from different topics every so often. So, be sure to "Like" and learn! Let me know if thats a good, bad or you don't care idea. Hope you are having a less stressful 2012 than me!


PS: Follow the "Like" Facebook link to the right >>>>to keep up with the questions or if you just want to ask me something. 

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