kkTrg-zlpmDYP_bho1NKLnEUrXg A Student CRNA Blog: Clinicals

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Guess what?! Its time to start working on real people. Twenty hours drive to Texas with an hour and half break was a bad idea but driving on about 150 miles of dead road wasn't comforting either. Anyways, I m here and ready to start in less than a week!
So far studying has been a minimum exactly opposite of what I had in mind. Sleep schedule has been off and air mattress has been too nice to my back. Cooking for self is way harder than I thought. But as far as I have been told this would be nothing compared to what I about to get into. I guess it won't be too long before I figure that out. Anyways, will try to keep in touch and write more often once I get Internet at home.

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